Thursday, August 22, 2013

Evaluating your messages

continuously keeping track of the effect your email messages have can help you refine your strategy and make educated changes while you determine future messages.  message evaluation begins by stating measurable objectives. it then continues while you track and measure your results to determine whether your objectives are achieved.measurable goals could include the following: 1.increasing the number of web site visitors by a certain amount 2.increasing the number of orders or purchases by a certain amount 3.receiving feedback and information on a specific issue. 4. increasing event attendance by a certain number. 5. changing opinions or perceptions over a set period of time  6.increasing the size of your contact database by a certain number.  tracking and measuring your message results can be a snap with an email service provider (esp).read more about esps later in this (chapter.)an esp tells you exactly who opens your email and who clicks the links in your email message.figure 1-4 shows a sample of an email click-summary report.not all your email evaluation has to be based on clicks,however.for example, you might ask people to phone you and request more information.then,you can evaluate your message based on how many phone calls you recieve and what people say when they call.other methods of tracking and measurement include: 1. ask people to print your email message to redeem an can then count the number of customers who return a printed email to your store or office.  2.ask people to mention your message when emailing a can track how many emails mention the message.3.ask people to fill out an online form you can analyze the data collected from the forms.4.ask people to forward your email to friends and can track how many new subscribers you receive as a result of the forwarded emails.track activity in the product lines and services mentioned in your can calculate the difference between the average level of activity and the change in activity.

Determining how your email messages should look

design elements,such as images and colors,are important parts of every mail message because they can reinforce the words that you use or cause your words to feel differently to the reader.figure 1-2 shows a plain email message before any design elements are applied to it.  a text only email not only fails to reinforce and enhance the value proposition,but its also difficult to scan and read.even simple design elements can have a significant impact on the look and feel of an email message.figure 1-3 shows the same email with simple added design elements that support and reinforce the message. the formatted email uses images,links,colors,borders,fonts,and effective layout to reinforce certain elements in the message and also makes the main idea of the message easier to grasp because of the holiday vacation theme. here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you determine how your email messages should look.  1.what emotions or circumstances cause people to think of your products or services? 2.which words ,fonts images,and colors communicate those emotions and circumstances? 3.what other mediums are you using to deliver your messages?  4.what limitations and advantages of each medium could affect the look and feel of your messages?  chapters 8 and 9 cover design elements that you can add to your emails to effectively get your message across to your subscribers.

targeting your email messages

when your excited about your business,thinking of almost everyone as a potential prospect is might indeed identify a large audience thats need your products or services,but plenyt of people wont buy from you for one reason or the same time,pockets of opportunity for communicating your messages might exist that you havent thought can make your email messages more effective by targeting prospects and customers who are most likely to make a purchase decision and also excluding people who are probably never going to are some questions you cana sk yourself to help determine to whom you should send your email messages:  1.who is most likely to need your products or services?  2.who already buys other products or services that are similar or identical to yours?3.who buys other products or services that could be percieved as substitutes for yours?who buys products or services that compliment yours? 4. who has already purchased from you and when will they be ready  to buy again?how many messages does it take to get someone to repeat versus attracting a new customer?  

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Stop buying Email list. Create one today

We own an exclusive email database with over 65,000,000 emails in our database, which include more than 60 categories. In 2013, we are proud to provide the next generation in email marketing software. You can now create send and track how many times your email is being clicked and how many time it is redirecting to your site in real time. Email marketing Reviews has an insight and complement on our achievements.
"The best email marketing software, the best customer service". Email marketing reviews source, June,2013.

Sign up today with email-marketing-power for a Free trail email marketing campaign. Lot of email templates to choose from

Give it a try to sign up an email marketing campaign . Risk FREE, Tons of templates for you. Even FREE email message design with a minimum purchased.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


We are proud to send 1 million email message campaign for WHF (World Hepatitis Fund) Located in Brazil. Our company is now open to World Wide Market.  Check out out portfolio Email message template

Mention this post and you will receive a FREE email message design.
*Minimum purchase service is required 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Never send an email that is simply one big image

Never send an email that is simply one big image
Email marketing messages that are made up of mostly images or one big image are often frowned upon in best practice circle for 2 reasons, both quite valid. One is that emails that are heavy on images are more likely to be flagged as spam. If you use an email service provider, you should get an alert before you send an email telling you whether or not it has too many spam-like characteristic. This service is called a spam filter.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Digital Glue of Social Media

Email is central to all of social media. It's the core. Infact, as Greg Cangialosi, founder of email service provider. Blue Sky Factory, said in 2008, "email is the digital glue" of the new media landscape, and a medium that is not to be overlooked." Email marketing holds it all together. We like it.
If you are one of the 56% of Americans ages 12 and older who have a profile on one or more social networking sites, thing back to when you first signed up for an account. If you created a Facebook or Twitter account a while ago, quite possibly you will not remember the account set up  process. Take a minute to log out of Twitter and Facebook and try to create a new account for each social network.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Can spam act of 2003

CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 requires that all email marketing messages sent to U.S residents include an opt-out (unsubscribe) mechanism. If you choose to send your email marketing messages through a reputable email service provider, it will most likely include this opt - out information by default. You can usually modify it to fit the look and feel of your email campaign; however, having it is still a requirement.
Even if you are not sending commercial email through a third party, you are still required to provide your subscribers an opt-out method. This unsubscribe method can be "old-school",-having subscribers write a letter or call the company to opt-out. It can also be as simple as having them reply to the email indicating that they no longer want to receive emails from your company.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Celebrate to your first customer is as important as building up your company

Walking into a business where the first dollar of profit is framed victoriously on the wall always reminds me how important the first customer is to any small business.  Your first customer represents validation of your business idea and proof that your products and services are valuable enough to cause someone to part with his money in order to obtain them.
The first dollar of profit is certainly cause for celebration. However, no matter how useful, important , unique, beneficial , or fitting your products or services are to consumers, no one will purchase them if you can’t effectively demonstrate that their value exceeds their price.

Demonstrating your value takes a lot of communication as well as the application of sound marketing principles. E-mail, Websites, business cards, signs and postcards are all good way to communicate your value to consumers, but some mediums are better than others for certain kinds of objectives, and all your marketing mediums have to work together to have the greatest impact.

No holes in the Bucket

No holes in the Bucket
A business is a bucket in which alchemy is to occur. Into the bucket we pour ideas, energy, work, ad dollars, marketing dollars, cost of attracting customers, costs of pursuing sales in hope of stirring into profits, maybe wealth. Most business owners are very focused on the pouring into the bucket. Few focus on exactly what happens inside the bucker. That’s supposed to take care of itself. But it doesn’t. It’s important to have a full and accurate understanding of the investments being made. It’s then important to have a strategy in place for fully and comprehensively converting those investments to the greatest possible gains.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Email Marketing Software - Text Message Only Please

Text only email marketing messages are a reality for people who check their bulk emails on some portable devices. Some people also install email filters and firewalls on their computers to convert HTML emails into text to protect their system from malicious programs and files. When a device or filter converts an HTML email into text, the results can be pretty scary. Some conversations results in displaying the entire HTML code and others shows the text along with long lines of code for links, images and other design elements.

To learn more about how email messages can affect your email campaigns, please visit:  

Preparing your email list database

Sending emails to your email list requires your emailing list data to be stored in a useful electronic format, so take care to enter your data into a database while you collect email addresses. Building and maintaining an electronic database allows you to:

- Organize and view your email list data easily

- Sort your email list data into categories to send targeted email list

- Process and keep track of unsubscribed contacts.

- Query your email list to extract useful information and reports.

You dont need a highly sophisticated database for effective email list marketing although additional database features can improve your ability to target your contacts with specific messages. Keep in mind that email list database with lots of complex features are more expensive than simpler applications. Make sure any fancy functionality in your database is capable of returning more than a dollar for every dollar you spend to gain that function.

To learn more about about email list: please visit: Buy or Rent Email list Email List for Marketing

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

All About Buying Emal List, Emailing Marketing Services and Bulk Email Software

Welcome to our first post on our Blog about Email List, Email Marketing, and Bulk Email Software. Here you are going to find tips, advices and how we can can help you achieve your goals in email marketing. Keep coming back to our blog to learn more about email marketing and email list.

We have a couple of websites that can help you to find more information about email marketing: